Think back on your most memorable road trip. 2023 gave me the finer experience of sitting in a bus for 16 hours. Although it was not my first time, travelling from the south to the north was quite interesting and adventurous. It was actually the longest I'd gone. And I enjoyed it.

What is your mission? This I a tricky question, though I'll try to share mine. I want to make the world a better place for people by providing them with love, care, empathy, support mental well-being, and spiritual health tips that can make us thrive in this world. I just want to be what I... Continue Reading →

Who are the biggest influences in your life? From the moment we enter this world, we encounter diverse people. They have unique experiences and traits. Few individuals among these people leave a significant mark on our lives. They influence our choices, actions, behaviour, and preferences.For most of us, the family plays has the most influence... Continue Reading →

How to Boost Productivity, Uplifting Wellbeing: Good Music and Silence

What if the secret to thriving at your full potential at work lies in the harmony of music and silence? From boosting creativity to nurturing your mental health, discover how the perfect blend of uplifting melodies and calming serenity can lead you to a more fulfilling and productive work life. Embrace this symphony of success and thrive like never before. Click to read more.

What are you good at? I'm good at analysing. Also good at sight reading, piano, and thinking It's just difficult to refine these abilities and adapt them quickly to new things and certain aspects of life.

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